The history of mobile phone

Cell Phone News:

Once upon a time there was a Cell Phone News, It is a little device known as a mobile phone. This phone thought it was great because it could depart the owner discuss to anyone, anywhere, without the mess of cables and wires in the direction. But what the device did not know that a new design newest was nearing, and that this new design was just the starting ...

Cell phone news 2012

When the first cellular phone devices seems retail available, they checked like something you develop a house rather than a interaction device. Progressively, as engineering has innovative, the mobile phones become lesser and the list of functions to grow.

A mobile phone phone was a icon of position, run and demonstrated only by the entrepreneur, or the affluent and celebraties. These days, thanks to large price reduces, almost anyone can own one if they wish. Gone are the days when you would see a ideal man move down the road screaming grey components with a huge TV Lead to lá delighted. Now the roads are full of individuals who, at first look seem to have a very extreme discussion with the hand of their hand.

And they are not only used to discuss more. Textual content messages is the first function movie additional above, after coming into the game, then poly phonic ringtunes, mp3 ringtunes, and then cameras, video, cellular sat nav ... developed in huge multi media systems, all included in a little nasty and steel.

Prices, rather than get to satisfy all these specs, actually seems to be decreasing. Even the cheap cellular phone devices now have the primary functions like MP3 play-back and a good digicam. A high-end phone will cost around 400 weight, but you can get a completely good design for one fourth.

You pay less for a telephone if you buy it on agreement, in contrast to part of a pay as you go bundle. On a agreement that you are, somehow, to lease the device outside the company, and shelling out a per month fee for its use, but with split you buy the device overall. Some individuals desire this choice because it means they can modify their system by getting the device revealed if they wish, and they can modify their phone any moment. But for those who can not manage a relatively huge sum at once, a agreement may be the best choice.

What's next for the cellular phone? Are there any functions left for companies to add? If there is, one thing is certain: they will be lesser.

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iPhone 4 were produced more than 90 per minute by Foxconn!

Cell Phone News:

A very interesting article this morning about Cell Phone News appeared in Business Week talks about Terry Gou, the man at the head of the company Foxconn, the company that makes iPhones 4 (among others).

Cell phone news

We learn that the plant assembles 137 000 iPhone 4 a day, more than 90 per minute!

For Business Week:
"The founder of Foxconn Terry Gou might be regarded as the reincarnation of Henry Ford if only a dozen of his employees had not committed suicide this year."

Tim Cook (Apple's chief executive):
"Terry is an excellent leader and has a passion for excellence is a trusted partner and we are fortunate to work with him. "
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